Creating a Business Grounded in Wholeness

This morning, I was on a call with others from the Global Coach Community, and there were so many brilliant moments that truly inspired me. We often talk about creating a business that feels authentic and aligned, but the prevailing paradigm tends to focus on structuring first and then fitting into that structure. I’ve spent a lot of my life living in boxes, separating myself based on what seemed appropriate rather than what felt authentic.

To find a way forward that works for me, I need to see things differently. So, I listen in many ways: to wisdom shared in conversation, to the natural world that reflects back to me, to my body and intuition, and to the flow of creativity. Here's what I discovered today as I listened:

Stepping out of the mainstream often feels uncomfortable, but stepping into authenticity feels like home. I can feel this in my body—a stillness and spaciousness that expands from deep within, through all of my being. In this space, I can stand in my wholeness. This wholeness sees and welcomes all parts of me, inviting me to stay.

When I begin creating from this place of expansive wholeness, I can feel the ease of stepping into the flow of creativity, playing in the field of infinite possibilities, and seeing what draws me. This is where I trust the unfolding. Standing in my wholeness, holding the vision of what’s possible, is my work. Trusting the process means knowing the resources will come, the details will become clear as the vision unfolds.

When I trust the unfolding, I know I’ll be called to action. The right people will enter my life, the place to do the work will appear, and the diversity of resources needed for the next step will be there.

I think of this like a murmuration of starlings. There’s flow first, then form, over and over again. These beings, flowing and creating, do so because of their deep connection to one another. Nature reflects this wisdom back to me. Murmurations show me how I can build a business grounded in wholeness. It’s my willingness to be in my wholeness, connected to all parts of me, that allows me to connect to the field of infinite possibilities. Together, we flow and create form—again and again.


Where are You Focusing?