How we see things
I have always thought there was such wisdom in this quote by Anais Nin “We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” but in the last two years I have deepened into what is being said.
I always knew that whatever I saw was from my perspective but I didn’t realize how deep that statement is.
It isn’t only a point of view (the view from the point where we are in our lives) but it is about our personas, our shadows, the stories our ego tells us.
Becoming conscious of our personas and finding what is in our shadow then integrating these is part of deepening into seeing what is really there.
Working with our thoughts, our attachments to our own stories and becoming still enough to hear the wisdom of our own soul deepens us again.
If this sounds like hard work that is too much and that is one way to see it. You can see the mountain or the path, it is your choice. My experience is that it is a journey with one step at a time, and it has been worth every step to see the beauty in the sunrise this morning.