A Drop of Water
There is something compelling about seeing the world up close. Last year I got a macro lens for my phone and it is one of my favourite ways to explore the world around me. I love seeing the patterns on a flower, how the pollen floats around the stamens, the curl of bark or the spiral on a snail. I think that drops of water are my favourite images and I am so drawn to them. I have had this image on my computer desktop for a bit, in part because I am craving spring during this last part of winter. Many times through the day I gaze at these drops of water marvelling at the perfection of the sphere, how the water can hold this form, how the plant can offer a resting place for this water, that together they tell a beautiful story. I am deeply connected and always have been drawn to water but this was amplified when a few years ago I was invited into a beautiful relationship with the river near my house. I go often to give gratitude for the gifts of the river and the water that makes up her flow, to offer a gift in return, to listen to the wisdom that is so generously shared once I quiet myself enough to hear. Water allows me to see the world differently, it disrupts my reality with ripples, curves and magnification that make me curious about what else I am missing because I am often sleepwalking through my everyday life. I think that is why I am drawn to the up close view that the macro lens gives me, it wakes me up so I can hear the earth call out that there is so much they want to tell me, so much for me to experience, so much to widen my always narrowing perspective and yet what I am focused on is often smaller than the eraser on my pencil.